

    Kerap Mendapat Pujian Presiden, Publik Puas dengan Kinerja Mentan Amran

    Jakarta – Seratus hari pemerintahan Prabowo Subianto – Gibran Rakabuming Raka, berbagai survei publik digelar untuk menilai kinerja pemerintah. Menteri Pertanian (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman muncul mengemuka dalam berbagai survei. Komitmen kuat Mentan Amran dalam menyukseskan program swasembada pangan menjadi alasan meningkatnya approval rate sosok menteri asal Sulawesi Selatan tersebut. Survei The Republic Institute (TRI) bertajuk “Refleksi Asta Cita dan Evaluasi Kepuasan Publik Terhadap Kinerja...

    Dua Pengendara Kejadian Lakalantas di Jalan AP Pettarani Makassar Berdamai Makassar, 7 Februari 2025 – Suasana haru dan damai menyelimuti ruang Unit Laka Polres Tabes Makassar, Jl. RA. Kartini, Jumat (7/2) sore.D ua pengendara yang terlibat kecelakaan lalu lintas pada Minggu (2/2) lalu, yang sempat viral Agung (pengendara roda dua) dan Brigpol Irfan (pengendara roda empat), resmi berdamai dan sepakat menyelesaikan permasalahan di luar jalur hukum. Mediasi yang difasilitasi oleh Unit Laka Lantas Polrestabes Makassar...

    Stok Pupuk Bersubsidi di Sinjai Dipastikan Aman

    Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Sinjai menjamin stok atau ketersediaan pupuk bersubsidi untuk petani, aman dan memenuhi kebutuhan pupuk hingga musim tanam September 2024. Ketersediaan pupuk saat...

    You Won’t Be Alone Review: Inventive Horror Is Ambitious To A Fault

    Actor and comedian Jim Carrey says that the fastest he ever said yes to a role was 1998’s The Truman Show, in which he...

    Everything Everywhere All At Once Review: Yeoh In Imaginative Sci-Fi

    Actor and comedian Jim Carrey says that the fastest he ever said yes to a role was 1998’s The Truman Show, in which he...

    Pirates Review: Three Charming Leads Make For A Fun, Slight Adventure

    Actor and comedian Jim Carrey says that the fastest he ever said yes to a role was 1998’s The Truman Show, in which he...

    Moonshot Review: Lana Condor & Cole Sprouse Lead Charming Space Rom-Com

    Actor and comedian Jim Carrey says that the fastest he ever said yes to a role was 1998’s The Truman Show, in which he...

    Tethered Review: Imperfect Indie Horror Falls Short, But Has Its Moments

    Actor and comedian Jim Carrey says that the fastest he ever said yes to a role was 1998’s The Truman Show, in which he...

    Infinite Storm Review: Naomi Watts Anchors Solid, Emotional Survival Drama

    Actor and comedian Jim Carrey says that the fastest he ever said yes to a role was 1998’s The Truman Show, in which he...

    The Lost City Review: Bullock & Tatum Charm In Fun Old-School Adventure

    Actor and comedian Jim Carrey says that the fastest he ever said yes to a role was 1998’s The Truman Show, in which he...

    Morbius Review: Jared Leto’s Sony Marvel Entry Is Boring & Unoriginal

    Actor and comedian Jim Carrey says that the fastest he ever said yes to a role was 1998’s The Truman Show, in which he...